You Say You're So Happy Now
[Listening to: Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken? - Commotions; Lloyd Cole - Collection]
That's what weekends should be like.
I wanted to write somthing about what my weekend with the prettiest Spanish girl was like, but I'm stuck for words. Spending the weekend with a stunningly pretty girl who's trying on sexy clothes makes it difficult to concentrate. I have no idea how many pairs of boots she looked at, how many shops around the Spanish Steps we went into, but I enjoyed every minute. Eating a great dinner at Uno e Bino (don't ask me to translate it, I have no idea what it means) where I felt more relaxed than I have done in months left me wanting to repeat the experience, but don't ask me to say exactly why. On screen, I'll just look foolish.
Sunday we visited the Bioparco. Only in Italy could people so blatently ignore all the signs saying "don't feed the animals". Still, feeding time for Matilde and Nero the hippos left everyone smiling. Well okay, I smiled all weekend, but you get my drift. Quote of the day was a very small Italian boy watching a lonely Seal glide through her pool, who turned to his mother and said "I would love it if I could fall in love with her". I know how he feels.
Of course every weekend has to end, and now I'm sitting here trying to capture my weekend and failing. I wanted her to stay.