Dream On
[Listening to: Glimpse At The Good Life - Dogs Die In Hot Cars - Please Describe Yourself [UK] (03:22)]
After reading Toronto's New Year resolutions, Spacing magazines Wish List for Toronto in 2006, I thought I would compose a short wish list for Rome in 2006:
- Car drivers would realise you can't talk on your mobile phone and drive at the same time.
- People who double parked would get tickets.
- Parking Wardens who stood by Traffic lights smoking instead of moving on those who double parked under their noses would get the sack.
- The bins would be redisigned so tha they could be emptied and placed next to the curb (I'll have to post a photo to illustrate how bad this gets)
- The Vigili Urbani would be given motorini and not cars (they are supposed to be helping solve the problem, not contributing to it)
- Italian supermarkets would realise that having 10 tills is useless if you only ever open 2 of them
- And also that it helps to give you a bag before you start ringing things up, not after (on the days you have not taken a bag to the supermarket, of course)
Enough rants for today...it's not worth losing my sleep over....