Too much to ask?
[Listening to: Explode - Nelly Furtado - Folklore]
Hurrah, I've finally met my match in the moody stakes. It appears F, my flatmate, is moodier than me, or at least not one to take criticism too well. A friend popped round last night and I cooked (sweet and sour Chinese, as it happens). We finished at midnight, and F said he would wash up in the morning. So when I cycled home tonight and it was all still in the sink I said I'd rather have done it myself last night than come home tonight to a sink full of dirty pots and pans. He washed it as soon as I came in, but given that he's been playing some computer game all day, I though he could have made the effort earlier, especially as I had to wait for a shower until he'd finished. F is now in his room, all talk of going for a pizza forgotten.